Michiko HATADA's Creative Glass Art Exhibition held on September 16, 2003, in the 2nd-floor lobby of the Alexandrian Theater located in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

     On the occasion of the tricentennial anniversary of the founding of Saint Petersburg in 2003, I was fortunately able to hold a long-cherished glass art exhibition there and to display my artifacts in the glass case placed in the beautiful 2nd-floor lobby of the Alexandrian Theater having a 200 year-old tradition in the City of Saint Petersburg in mid-September of 2003.

     I displayed my 9 artworks in 6 glass cases, adding a contrasting touch with Origami cranes, which helped create a very nice atmosphere and attracted many art-loving visitors who were attentively watching the exhibits with explanatory pamphlets in their hands. As may be expected of the country boasting the State Hermitage Museum, I was deeply impressed with such a sight.

     My glass art exhibition in Saint Petersburg was so well received that I was unexpectedly asked by a Russian TV news station for an interview perhaps because my glass artworks were so original and very Japanese and thus must have been appreciated especially for their originality. At the TV interview I was asked fairly in detail about my intent in making them and the charm of glass art or if there is any secret in creating them, and was bombarded with such questions so abruptly that I may not have been able to answer them properly. But I think I managed somehow.

Written by Michiko HATADA

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