Michiko HATADA's Creative Glass Art Studio

     From my glass art studio, I can look over the mountainside blessed with rich and varied nature. Impressed by the beauty of clouds flowing before my eyes, I find myself unconsciously admiring changing sights of the moon as well as the sunrise and sunset, and feel I am living in a different world, hoping everyday to copy somehow such an impression and the beauty of affluent nature onto my artwork. Among the various styles of making glass artwork, I have chosen the sandblasting technique of laminated glass. That world-famous glass artist, Emile Galle, created many impressive and tasteful glass artwork by using laminated glass.

     The motif of my artwork is based on nature, such as spring, summer, autumn and winter. With the hope that something romantic may be felt from them, I am always trying to incorporate elements of not only beauty but also romance or story in my artwork.

     It would make me very happy if you could feel such an atmosphere from my glass artwork.

December 2004

Michiko HATADA

My 6-day art exhibition was well received by as many as some 750 visitors.

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