Illusory World of Snow
Light coming out from the snow-clad house brings cozy and familiar warmth to the eye.

3rd Creative Glass Art Exhibition by Michiko HATADA in the motif of Japanese Natural Beauty - Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

  The year 2006 saw a long-cherished Creative Laminated Glass Art Exhibition held by Michiko HATADA at the Gallery Ginza on the street of Ginza, Tokyo.

     I hope you have appreciated through these small pieces of glass artwork the natural beauty of passing four seasons which change from time to time.

      Glass art creates its attractiveness by making surprising and enchanting effects visible to the eye with a collaboration of artwork and light.

Gallery Ginza is located at 13-12, Ginza 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.  Tel: 03-3541-6655

    Access:  Please go straight from JR Yurakucho Station toward the Showa Avenue to reach the Gallery Ginza on your left beyond the Avenue and opposite Hotel Daiei.  
 5 minutes' walk from Exit A13 of Ginza Station of the Tokyo Metro Subway Ginza Line, or 7 minutes' walk from Ginza Station of the Tokyo Metro Subway Marunouchi Line.

We received kinds words of encouragement and cooperation from His Excellency Aurelian NEAGU,  the Ambassador of Romania to Japan, as shown on the right for your attention.

 I am very grateful for the visit of many art-loving people like you to my Glass Art Exhibition in Ginza, Tokyo, and hope you enjoyed watching my artworks displayed there.
  Although the Glass Art Exhibition in Ginza lasted only one week, I was very happy to talk with many people and hear valuable comments which will help me create more artwork pleasing to your eyes in the future.
   I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep and sincere appreciation for your continued interest and support now and in the future, and hope to create more artwork moving in your eyes.
   June 2006      Michiko HATADA

Ms. Yoko Kirishima, a well-known writer as well as Mr. Alin IVANOV, the secretary of Romanian Embassy and his family came to see the Glass Art Exhibition, and were looking at the exhibits intently.

You will find more related articles in the page essays.

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